I have focused on the more generic assistive technology for the deaf, hearing aids and cochlear implants, but there are other technologies that limit the gap between the hearing and Deaf community.
Here are a few from an article:

UNI is a technological tool used by the Deaf to communicate with the hearing community. It translates ASL into speech for the hearing person and translates speech into text for the deaf person. It does this by using a high definition camera that tracks, in live time, the movements of the deaf persons 10 fingers. The more the deaf individual uses this device, the more accurate and personal it operates.
The cost of hearing aid batteries can add up really quickly for a family and become a huge expense as the years progress. SolarEar is a hearing aid battery that is powered by solar energy. It lasts for 2-3 years compared to a regular hearing aid battery that lasts for 1 week. It greatly the reduces the cost of batteries for hearing aids.

ISEEWHATYOUSAY allows hearing individuals to communicate with deaf individuals, especially close family members. It converts the speech of a hearing individual to text and sends it to a remote device by Bluetooth. The deaf individual would get the message quickly. It eliminates the act of always trying to alert deaf individuals when speaking to them as it alerts them through a buzz that there is a message.
Hayleigh's Cherished Charms
Hayleigh's Cherished Charms communicates to the hearing community that deaf individuals should be proud of their hearing aids and not try to hide them. This tech can be described as 'hearing aid bling'. It is simply only to make hearing aids look stylish.
Check out the full article with videos on these technologies: https://www.forbes.com/sites/robertszczerba/2015/04/21/4-game-changing-technologies-for-the-deaf-and-hard-of-hearing/#2efd739f570a