This video, produced by the Florida School for the Deaf and Blind, presents students in elementary, middle and high school who explain their views on their teachers, and what they expect from them in the classroom and the wider school community.
Although they have different backgrounds, they are all a part of the Deaf community and face similar challenges such as teachers, in their opnion, not knowing American Sign Language (ASL) very well, troubles with certain subjects and/or troubles with understanding in class with different modes of communication such as signing in English, ASL or using SimCom.
Note: According to Gemma Matheson's blog "Whats the deal with SimCom?", Simcom (Simultaneous Communiation) "is the act of communicating in a sign language and a spoken language at the same time and is often used as a form of communication between people who are deaf and people who are hearing." It is also used when speaking to hearing and deaf people at the same time."
For more information on SimCom, check out Gemma Matheson's Blog: